
Langara College

Diploma of Computer Science

2016 - 2018

  • CPSC 1160 Algorithms & Data Structure I (C++)
  • CPSC 1181 Object-Oriented Computing (Java)
  • CPSC 1030 Web Development I (HTML & CSS)/li>
  • CPSC 1045 Intro to Web Programming (JavaScript)
  • CPSC 2030 Web Development II (SQL, PHP)
  • CPSC 1280 Unix Tools and Scripting (Linux, Shell, C)
  • CPSC 2150 Algorithms & Data Structures II (C++)
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Database Systems

Kwantlen Polytechnic University

BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership

2014 - 2016

Richmond Secondary school

High school diploma

2012 - 2014